Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Spirituality of Man of Steel

So my dad and I saw Man of Steel in Imax 3D.  It was good.  Henry Cavill's Superman was easier to connect with that Christopher Reeve's Superman.  Some people didn't like it because the tone was different than that of a typical Superman film.  Look, it was a good movie anyway.  Anytime a franchise film comes out, you have people who have expectations of how it should be exactly like the original source.  It ends up ruining the movie for them.
One fair criticism was that the action was a bit dragged out.  The pace of the action was fast.  The pacing for the action is actually more realistic since Superan and the villains are faster than a speeding bullet.
It starts with a great prologue.  The planet Krypton is about to implode. Jor El is trying to send his newborn son, Kal El, to safety.  Meanwhile a Kryptonian named General Zod is leading a coup again the leaders of Krypton.  Jor sends his son safely to Earth.
Kal El is raised in Kansas under the name Clark Kent.  He wants to help others but it is a danger to reveal his powers.  Zod comes to Earth and Kal El must defeat him.
As good as the movieis, I would like to discuss some spiritual points.  Remember, the deepest desires in film reflect our desire for God.  First of all, Superman is an example of a Christ figure.  Like Christ, he is from another world and represents the ideas of that world.  In a way, he brings Krypton to Earth.
This is similar how Christ comes from Heaven.  As he preached, he said that the Kingdom of Heaven was here.  He showed love, healed the sick, extended grace and so much more.
In a way Superman's calling is ours.  Superman was sent to Earth to reflect his father's heritage and ideals. God is our Father.  He sent us to Earth to reflect Him.  Just as Superman had powers, we have superpowers powers from God.  I'm good at video production.  My mom has a good understanding of people.  Other people are good at staying organized.  We develop our super powers so that God can use them.
Another issue is free will.  The planet Krypton artificially creates it's people.  Each person is created and raised for a specific role.  Jor El decides to have Kryptons fist natural born child in years.  This is to give the child free will to choose his destiny.
Similarly God gives us free will.  Well, God designed us with a purpose.  Our purpose is to be in a relationship with Him and reflect Him.  However, God gives us free will.  He can choose God and his purpose in life or we can reject God and his purpose in his life.
All in all, Man of Steel is a descent movie.  Don't bother with the 3D.  The movement is too fast for the 3D.  In the movie, deep spiritual issues pop up.
In Christ,
James Tuttle

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